Associazione Logical Town allo Smart Mobility World 2016 Milano Lainate, 17-18 October 2016
The Logical Town Association takes part at the Smart Mobility World 2016, Monday 17th October at Milano Lainate
The 4th edition of the exposition which has become one of the most interesting events of its kind in Europe.
Automotive sector is quickly and completely changing: Main topics of this change, which has just begun, will be electrification, autonomous driving, connectivity and security.
Smart Mobility World 2016 faces with these themes considering different points of view: It connects different realities by creating networking, by showing innovative ideas, solutions and devices, by boosting promising startups to find the right ventures capitalists.
Thanks to networking and experience sharing between companies, we will have a 360 degrees approach able to create relevant sinergies to implement the smart mobility in all its sides.
Smart Mobility World 2016 focus will be on eco-friendly solutions that help people and things to move and on the development of cutting-edge tools able to connect transportation means and infrastructures. Innovation is the right word for all these themes, for the whole event considered as the leading one for the mobility players and it is the strong point to develop the market.
The Association Logical Town delived a presentation entitled “City Logistics Innovation in Small and Mid-sized Towns: the case of Luccaport” at the session “Green & City Logistics – different aspect of the last mile delivery”